Do Not Comply


Do. Not. Comply. These three words should be at the center of every single person’s vocabulary right now. Do not comply. Enough is enough.

We have all already willingly surrendered countless rights for a false sense of “safety”. And safety from what? A virus that was developed in a lab, purposefully released, and less dangerous than the flu? Less dangerous than pneumonia? Oh, and let’s not forget- funded by our one and only savior, speaker of truth, bringer of all good things, and healer of all pain and suffering- Dr. Anthony Fauci.

 I cannot believe that this is the America we’re living in. America used to be full of people who wanted to be free. Who demanded freedom. People who would rather die than lose their freedom. Now, in 2020-2021, we are so quick to give up all of our rights because there is a .1% chance that we might get the sniffles? We willingly lock ourselves up in our homes and obey everything Mommy Fauci and Grandma Joe tell us, while they tuck us into bed, give us our ba-ba, and continue to take our freedoms.

Regardless of your stance on the vaccine, we should all be able to find common ground on this particular issue. The intellectually disabled, unelected bureaucrats who are currently running our country have absolutely no right to tell us, free American citizens, what we NEED to, what we HAVE to, put in our bodies. What happened to “my body, my choice”? Or is that only relevant when we decide that we want to kill 3,000 innocent unborn babies a day? Is it only relevant when it’s actually not our bodies that are the bodies being affected?

This is hands-down government overreach. Do not give in. Do not comply. Let’s stop being sheep and start being wolves until we have our freedoms back. Stand up for yourselves. Change starts right here in our small community.



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